Previous year MCQs

Indian Polity UPPSC 2009 GS-I

The cardinal features of political system in India are

1. It is a democratic republic.
2. It has a Parliamentary form of Government.
3. The Supreme power vests in the people of India.
4. It provides for a unified authority.

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Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option D: All the four

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “All the four ”.

1) India is a democracy where the people elect their representatives to govern. The term "republic" indicates that the head of state is not a hereditary monarch.

2) The executive (government) is responsible to the legislature (Parliament). The Prime Minister is the head of government, while the President is the ceremonial head of state.

3) Supreme power vests in the people is a core principle of democracy. The people are the ultimate source of authority.

4) While India has a federal structure, the central government has a strong and unifying role. This ensures national unity and cohesion.

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