Previous year MCQs

Medieval History UPPSC 2024 GS-I

Arrange the following-Sen rulers of Bengal in ascending chronological order:

1. Ballal Sen
2. Lakshman Sen I
3. Hemant Sen
4. Vijaya Sen

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option D: 3,4,1,2

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “3,4,1,2”.
The correct chronological order is: Hemant Sen → Vijaya Sen → Ballal Sen → Lakshman Sen
Ruler Reign Period Description
Hemant Sen Early 11th century He was the earliest among the Sen rulers, ruling in the early 11th century.
Vijaya Sen Mid 11th century He succeeded Hemant Sen and ruled in the mid-11th century. His reign marked the beginning of the prominent Sen dynasty in Bengal.
Ballal Sen Late 11th century He was the son of Vijaya Sen and ruled in the late 11th century.
Lakshman Sen Early 12th century He was the last of the Sen rulers, ruling in the early 12th century. His reign ended with the invasion of Bengal by Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khalji.

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