Previous year MCQs

UP Special UPPSC 2024 GS-I

Consider the following statements with reference to Upper Gangetic agro-climatic region:

1. This region encompasses central and western Uttar Pradesh.
2. This region has more than 130% irrigation intensity and 140% cropping intensity.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option A: Both 1 and 2

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “Both 1 and 2”.

The Upper Gangetic agro-climatic region includes parts of central and western Uttar Pradesh, specifically the areas around the Ganga River and its tributaries.

The Upper Gangetic region is highly irrigated, primarily through canals, tube wells, and other irrigation methods. The region has high irrigation intensity (more than 130%), meaning that the irrigated area is greater than the net cultivated area. Additionally, the region has high cropping intensity (over 140%), which refers to the multiple cropping systems (such as Rabi and Kharif crops) practiced in this area.

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