Previous year MCQs

Current Affairs UPPSC 2024 GS-I

With reference to the "Pirul Lao-Paise Pao" campaign, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. This is related to reduce forest fires and to provide a source of income to villagers.
2. The Chief Minister of Uttarakhand launched this campaign.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option D: Both 1 and 2

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “Both 1 and 2”.
The "Pirul Lao-Paise Pao" campaign in Uttarakhand aims to address forest fires and provide a source of income to local villagers. Under this initiative, villagers and youth collect dry pine leaves (pirul) from forests, which are highly inflammable and contribute to the spread of forest fires.

They are paid Rs 50 per kilogram for the collected leaves, with payments transferred directly to their bank accounts. This campaign not only helps in reducing forest fires but also creates an income-generating opportunity for the locals.

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