UPPSC 2015 GS-I Misc

Match the following:
List-I List-II

A. W.T.O. - 1. To provide finance to correct equilibrium in balance of payments.
B. I.M.F. - 2. Generally to forbid the use of quantitative restrictions in trade.
C. SAARC - 3. Sanction of soft loans.
D. I.D.A. - 4. To promotes co-operation among South Asian Countries.

Codes: A B C D

Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option C: 2 1 4 3

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “2 1 4 3 ”.

Organization Description
W.T.O. Generally to forbid the use of quantitative restrictions in trade.
I.M.F. To provide finance to correct equilibrium in the balance of payments.
SAARC To promote cooperation among South Asian Countries.
I.D.A. Sanction of soft loans.

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