Previous year MCQs

Current Affairs UPPSC 2024 GS-I

With reference to "FWD 200B", which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. This is India's first indigenous bomber "UAV" aircraft.
2. Its payload capacity is 100 kgs.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

Answer & Solution

Answer: (Detailed Solution Below)

Option D: Both 1 and 2

Detailed Solution:

The correct answer is “Both 1 and 2”.
The "FWD-200B" is indeed India's first indigenous bomber UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). Developed by Flying Wedge Defence, this military-grade UAV is designed for long endurance, with a payload capacity of 100 kg. It can carry out precision air strikes, integrating optical surveillance payloads and missile-like weapons.

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